First Father’s Day for Daddy and Me

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Capture that first precious Father's Day

First snuggles. First steps. First songs. A personalized celebratory keepsake that preserves the thousand tiny wonders that will help shape baby’s future personality and passions. Written as if from baby to Daddy, this one’s a real heart-squeezer. Expect tears (really manly ones).

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Rated 4.8 out of 5

"Daddies need bonding time with their babies. A gorgeous book to read together!" Eva

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"Perfect for my youngest brother who has just become a dad."
Written by Yvonne
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This one’s a keeper

Grandma’s pearls, baby’s first handprint…some things survive every house move and every clearout. They’re just too precious to re-home. Our books – personalized, crafted by artists and beautifully made – are the kind of thing you bring out to read again and again. They deserve a permanent home on your favourite book shelf.

A page inside the personalised book

For them, forever after

Write your own dedication and we’ll put it in pride of place on page one – so when they come back to read it, it’ll always be your message they see first. And if the right words just aren’t coming, you can adapt our pre-written dedication for your once-upon-a-time.


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First Father’s Day for Daddy and Me FAQs

During their first year, a baby will enjoy a thousand little firsts courtesy of Daddy: if Dad loves swimming, you can bet that baby will take to water like a little fish. If Dad plays a lot of Bowie, baby’ll be humming the opening strains of ‘All The Young Dudes’ for years. This book marks his first Father’s Day and captures everything we give our children – just by loving them.

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