First Mother’s Day for Mummy and Me

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Capture that first precious Mother's Day

First snuggles. First steps. First songs. A personalised celebratory keepsake that preserves the thousand tiny wonders that will help shape baby’s future personality and passions. Written as if from baby to Mummy, this one’s a real heart-squeezer. Expect tears.

icon Best for ages 0 to 1

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Rated 4.8 out of 5

“A perfect gift for my wife from our little daughter.” Simon

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“So unique and beautiful that this is from the baby’s perspective.”
Written by Tamsin
Personalised book cover on a shelf

This one’s a keeper

Grandma’s pearls, baby’s first handprint…some things survive every house move and every clearout. They’re just too precious to re-home. Our books – personalised, crafted by artists and beautifully made – are the kind of thing you bring out to read again and again. They deserve a permanent home on your favourite book shelf.

A page inside the personalised book

For them, forever after

Write your own dedication and we’ll put it in pride of place on page one – so when they come back to read it, it’ll always be your message they see first. And if the right words just aren’t coming, you can adapt our pre-written dedication for your once-upon-a-time.


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First Mother’s Day for Mummy and Me FAQs

Music, movement, food, love…during their first year, a child will experience thousands of new things. And they experience it all with Mummy. What Mummy sees, baby sees. What she feels, baby feels. What she loves, baby may love. This book marks her first Mother’s Day and captures the infinite possibility we give our children simply by loving them.

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