With All My Heart: Floral Bouquet Edition

Rated 5 out of 5

Christian devotionals, personalized

The world's first personalized book of devotionals. A collection of reflections on friendship and faith, interwoven with bible verses, poetry and quotes – to show a loved one how much they mean to you. You can add your own photos and messages to make it uniquely theirs. The Floral Bouquet version is a warming hug of a book, designed for those who appreciate the traditional.

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Personalize my book

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Rated 5 out of 5

"It just reads genuine and very sentimental." - Tameka

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"The first page pulled me in with a picture, the verse, and everything. I just think that it's very meaningful."
Written by Jessica
american landscape with all my heart book on book shelf

The personal touch

Choose from 6 beautiful designs, add your own special memories with photos, and choose which devotional topics you want to include. We have heartfelt pre-written sections that you can edit until the book perfectly reflects how you feel about your soul sister.

Two hands holding the opened book

Meet Molly

Molly Detweiler uses her inimitable voice to bring wisdom and inspiration to those who hold their faith close. She’s worked with some pretty big names before lending her voice to our With All My Heart series, including Zondervan (the world’s number one Bible publisher) and author and pastor Rick Warren. She’s even worked on some C.S. Lewis-related projects, too.


Rated 5 out of 5

FAQs for Personalized Christian Devotional: Floral Bouquet Edition

This collection of devotionals is for the loved one in your life who provides a sense of calm and tranquillity when you need it most. The friend who gives you guidance, makes you laugh, and always pinpoints the perfect passage of scripture to show you the way.

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